This fantastic betting method will take your betting approach to a new level.
Just a simple 10am check on the Racing Post website will lead you to fantastic bets with a huge strike rate. These bets take in 2 of the major factors in finding the really fancied horses.
Have a think. Who do you think you would ask if you REALLY wanted to know if a horse was ready to run for its life. Well, if it was me I would ask THE TRAINER and THE BOOKMAKER. When these 2 hugely important sources send the right signal then this method using unique criteria will unload a fantastic set of highly professional bets.
Average SP 7/4. The method packed full of logic is an absolutely brilliant daily method for finding horses that are very strongly fancied. A reminder. Positive signals from the trainer and the bookmaker. What more does a punter want? Stop right now and start using the ALL WEATHER INSIDER BANKER BETS SYSTEM to completely change the way you approach your betting.