It’s here and after months of negotiating , Thomas Wileman’s Inside Information betting system is now on sale after a quite sensational testing period.
The method for use in NON HANDICAP races is described as a way of getting the very best inside information possible without having to pay for it. Tommy uses a specially devised technique which he learned whilst working as a cashier in Betfred. Tommy , A Racing Post stats fanatic could see there was a simple way of obtaining the very best info possible and taking the bookmakers to the cleaners.
Nothing complicated. The system intentionally avoids the tricky minefield handicaps and concentrates on races where it is deemed that only a select few can win. Narrowing down a race to just a handful of potential winners is a massive edge to have. This method goes FURTHER. It narrows it down to one !!
You simply cannot bet without this amazing betting method. Tommy noticed the ‘signal’ and put it to his advantage. By copying his rules to the letter you will back an avalanche of winners which the betting is screaming at you to back.
You must act. Thomas doesn’t want his odds being slashed all over the place. Only 30 copies will be released. Just think about it. Horse Racing Inside Information from the best possible sources for the one off fee for the method of £150. This information is ‘GOLD DUST’. You will soon be backing the same winners as Tommy and betting on a professional level.
We could send the shiny flyers with a blonde sitting on a Ferrari in California. Surely nobody seriously gets taken in by these half-wits? This betting technique is yours forever and it cannot be beaten. I must stress that you act. We will be inundated with buyers and once 30 have gone thats it.
Its been an eternity in the pipeline. Thomas Wileman’s Inside Information betting system is here and you dare not miss it.